Weight Gain After Tummy Tuck Surgery: What Should I Do? (2024)

Weight Gain After Tummy Tuck Surgery: What Should I Do? (1)

For men and women alike, toning and sculpting the abdominal area can be challenging. There are so many things to consider — pregnancy, weight changes, and natural aging all contribute to the aesthetic appearance of the tummy area. Atummy tuck procedurecan alleviate the effects of pregnancy, weight loss, and aging by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the abdominal muscles.

After restoring your figure, it is essential to look after your body to preserve your results. We have included all you need to know about weight gain after a tummy tuck and how to manage it.

What is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Plastic surgeons have been performingcosmetic tummy tuckssince the 1970s, giving men and women worldwide a renewed sense of self-confidence. Formally known as an abdominoplasty, the tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that reduces excess fat, tightens loose skin, and repairs and strengthens abdominal muscles, giving you a more contoured, firmer abdomen.

Many patients consider tummy tucks after making major lifestyle changes, having children, or just experiencing the natural aging process. Unfortunately, these factors often cause the skin to lose elasticity, thefasciain the abdomen to weaken, and stubborn fat to develop. Such changes often result in the abdominal area looking disproportionate to the rest of the body or a perpetually bloated appearance.

Tummy tucks can be performed alongside other body contouring procedures, such asliposuctionorbreast augmentation, as part of a “mommy makeover.” You can consider a variety of these plastic surgery procedures, whichBoard-Certified Plastic SurgeonDr. William J. Vinyard, MD, FACS, and his team of experts can work into your treatment plan.

What Does the Tummy Tuck Procedure Entail?

The tummy tuck surgery will begin with you being placed under general anesthesia. A horizontal incision is made just below the bikini line to conceal any scarring that may occur. Another incision will be made around the belly button to reposition it once the surgery is near completion.

From the horizontal incision, Dr. Vinyard and his expert team will repair and tighten the stomach muscles by suturing the tissue together. Next, the sagging skin will be pulled tighter and placed correctly. Finally, the navel will be repositioned to match the new shape of the abdomen. Once everything is in the correct place, the incisions will be sutured closed and covered in bandages and acompression garment.

Are Tummy Tuck Results Permanent?

There are many instances where the results of the first tummy tuck are permanent, primarily when patients work at establishing healthy habits, such as regular exercise and keeping a balanced diet.

However, it is common for results to vary and change owing to any major lifestyle disruptions. Suppose you have achieved significant weight loss and are at your goal weight at the time of the treatment — you should pay careful attention to maintaining weight fluctuations post-surgery to preserve your tummy tuck results.

Women who fall pregnant after their procedures may have to undergo a tummy tuck revision surgery to remedy the stretching andmuscle laxitythat occurs after subsequent childbirth.

Theoutcome of the tummy tuckwill be long-lasting if you mitigate unhealthy lifestyle choices, maintain a stable weight, stick to a healthy diet, and exercise regularly.

Can Weight Gain Affect My Tummy Tuck Results?

While minor weight fluctuations are normal, it is crucial to maintain a healthy and steady weight post-surgery. Excessive weight gain caused by a poor diet or lack of exercise will increase fatty tissue in the stomach area. This may cause the skin to stretch and loosen or the muscles to diverge and weaken.

How to Preserve Your Results After Undergoing Tummy Tuck Surgery

If you bit the bullet and decided to undergo a tummy tuck and want to ensure that the results are long-lasting, following these tips will ensure that the results were worth the experience!

#1: Follow Dr. Vinyard’s Advice to the Letter

Every detail is taken care of at the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery. Dr. Vinyard and his expert team will furnish you with a complete treatment plan, which includes the recovery process so that you can reap the full benefits of your tummy tuck.

Following their expert advice will ensure that you take the correct care of yourself during the aftercare period. Avoiding these recommendations may lengthen the recovery time and result in less-than-optimal results.

#2: After Tummy Tuck Diet

To manage weight gain and prolong the results of your tummy tuck, you should follow a healthy, balanced diet.

Protein-rich foods, fruit, and vegetables nourish your body with omegas, collagen, vitamins, and minerals, keeping you healthy from the inside out. Healthy eating should always be coupled with proper hydration. Drinking water supports recovery and prevents rapid skin deterioration, which is essential to preserving the effects of a tummy tuck.

#3: Regular Exercise is Key

After a tummy tuck, exercising regularlywill prevent you from gaining a significant amount of weight. Modest weight gain or fluctuations are typical and can be managed through exercise.

Core-focused workoutswill keep your abdomen strong and active. It is also a great idea to incorporate a combination of strength training and cardio! However, be sure to heed your surgeon’s recommendations on when you can resume exercising after your abdominoplasty.

Pairing Tummy Tuck With Liposuction Will Enhance Fatty Tissue Reduction!

The benefits of a tummy tuck alone may not always provide the results you are after. That is why during your personal consultation, the expert team at the Vinyard Institute of Plastic Surgery will cover all your aesthetic options and create an individualized treatment plan for your personal makeover.

It is common to pair a tummy tuck with compatible treatments like liposuction or a breast enhancement procedure — one of the most popular procedures to add to a tummy tuck here at VIPS!

Start Your Tummy Tuck Journey at VIPS!

Contact us to schedule a personal consultation, or call(772) 212-0304to explore the next steps in your tummy tuck journey! Our office at291 NW Peaco*ck Blvd, Suite 103, Port St. Lucie, FL 34986, proudly serves the South Florida area! We also invite you to check out ourblog page,Facebook, andInstagramto learn more about the treatment options available at our office!

Weight Gain After Tummy Tuck Surgery: What Should I Do? (2024)


Weight Gain After Tummy Tuck Surgery: What Should I Do? ›

If the weight

Average adult human weight varies by continent, from about 60 kg (130 lb) in Asia and Africa to about 80 kg (180 lb) in North America, with men on average weighing more than women.
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Human_body_weight
gain continues, you may need a tummy tuck revision. A revision can be a more complicated surgery, so I advise all my patients to stick to a healthy lifestyle instead, so they can enjoy their results for years to come.

Why am I gaining so much weight after my tummy tuck? ›

After your tummy tuck, your body may retain water, causing a bloated appearance. This can be both localised at the surgical site (i.e., the abdomen), in extremities, or around the body more generally. Overall, this may give the appearance of weight gain.

Can stomach fat come back after tummy tuck? ›

Will fat come back after liposuction and tummy tuck? The fat cells that are removed via liposuction during a tummy tuck will not return, but this doesn't necessarily mean the cosmetic results are permanent. Weight gain can generate new fat cells and cause the remaining fat cells to become enlarged.

How to keep weight off after a tummy tuck? ›

Regular exercise is the key to maintaining consistent weight, reducing excess fat, and strengthening the abdominal muscles to help fine-tune your tummy tuck results. Try to aim for a manageable but challenging amount of exercise every week, and stick to your exercise plan as diligently as possible.

What happens if you gain weight after loose skin surgery? ›

If you gain a large amount of weight after a tummy tuck, the abdominal skin will stretch out, and the underlying muscles may become separated again, detracting from the results you may have achieved with the procedure.

Is it harder to lose weight after a tummy tuck? ›

The physical factor: Since tummy tuck surgery removes excess skin and fat, and can correct diastasis recti (abdominal muscle separation), patients often feel lighter and more mobile after their procedure. As a result, physical activity is often easier and more enjoyable, which can encourage further weight loss.

Why is my stomach bulging after tummy tuck? ›

Muscle tightness - Muscles plication (or tightening) is usually a part of abdominoplasty. Either failure of the sutures or some laxity can cause a bulge.

How to flatten stomach after tummy tuck? ›

One your surgeon clears you, consider a workout plan that incorporates cardio and core strengthening, but could also include yoga, swimming, pilates, and even sports. Aim for 30-60 minutes 3-5 times a week to avoid losing the tautness and firmness of your newly repaired abdominal muscles.

Why is my stomach swollen 2 years after tummy tuck? ›

Two years after a tummy tuck, a protruding stomach may occur because of visceral fat and loose muscle. In these cases, patients should lose weight to reduce bloating. However, in most cases, you will be fully healed.

How do I get rid of visceral fat after tummy tuck? ›

The third factor, which is the volume of visceral fat, cannot be reduced with tummy tuck surgery. Visceral fat can only be improved by weight loss.

Why is my tummy not flat after a tummy tuck? ›

Post-surgery you will notice some swelling, because of which the tummy may not look flat. It may take three to four months for swelling to gradually disappear and a complete year to fully recover. Other factors like skin, muscles, and fat are repaired during surgery and need time for healing.

Why is my waist bigger after a tummy tuck? ›

Swelling After Abdominoplasty Is Normal

This area is rich with blood vessels and lymphatic vessels (the body's drainage system), but abdominoplasty surgery will impair the regular functions of these systems, slowing down the drainage and resulting in a fluid buildup, or swelling.

Does your metabolism change after a tummy tuck? ›

Tummy tuck surgery itself does not necessarily boost a person's metabolism, though many men and women do report an improved ability to lose weight and maintain their weight loss following the tummy tuck.

Why am I gaining weight after my tummy tuck? ›

After you've had tummy tuck surgery, make sure to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of regular physical activity daily. Hormones: Hormone changes can impact your weight as well. If your hormones are imbalanced, it can cause you to gain weight.

What can ruin a tummy tuck? ›

Sun exposure stresses and thins the skin. Excessive sun exposure during the healing process can cause the areas of the incisions to darken and scar more heavily or can weaken the strength of the skin. It is often advised to keep the site of the incision away from sun exposure for up to a year following the procedure.

Why did I gain 5 pounds after surgery? ›

It is very common for patients to gain weight following any type of surgery. This is called edema or water retention. Edema is fluid that accumulates between the body's tissues as a result of plasma protein redistribution. It is the body's own normal response to trauma.

How do you get rid of water retention after a tummy tuck? ›

Wear your compression garment as instructed by your surgeon. The compression garment applies constant even pressure to your tummy to help fight inflammation, reduce water retention and achieve better abdominal contouring.

Why does my belly look pregnant after tummy tuck? ›

Abdominal bulges that occur after your initial healing can represent several things. It may be a fluid collection that has occurred after your drains were removed (this could include hematoma or seroma. These will usually resolve on their own but may require drainage.

Do you get fuller faster after a tummy tuck? ›

A recent study shows that patients who had a tummy tuck actually reported increased satiety. Satiety is the measure of how full you feel after a certain amount of food during a meal. A majority of patients during the study felt fuller while eating less after their tummy tuck procedure.


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